
Lobby Register

The AWV is registered in the “Lobby Register for the Representation of Interests vis-à-vis the German Bundestag and the Federal Government”.

“The lobby register makes it possible to transparently trace the structures of influence exerted by interest representatives on the political decision-making process. It is intended to help strengthen public trust in politics and the legitimacy of the parliamentary and governmental decision-making processes. The aim is to create more transparency regarding the participation of interest representatives in these processes.” (Text from:

The AWV sees itself as a neutral platform and not as a lobbying organization. However, statements and position papers are also produced as part of its specialist work. These are usually processed and implemented directly as part of the specialist work. In individual cases, however, statements are also addressed to persons in federal ministries above departmental level. In accordance with the Lobby Register Act, these statements are considered to be representation of interests vis-à-vis the federal government.

We assume that around 1% of the AWV's activities fall under the definition of the lobby register. Representation of the association's interests within the meaning of the Lobby Register Act is carried out by the AWV's Executive Committee and management. The AWV's entry in the register can be found on the Federal Government's website here.

For corporate members: In accordance with the Lobby Register Act, 1% of the association's membership fee (EUR 4 per year) is used for the representation of interests.

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