
Specialist Committee 2

Administrative Simplification and Debureaucratisation in the Personnel Management Environment

Stefan Haussmann, Deutsche Bahn AG, Berlin

In many respects social law makes legal consequences dependent on whether a person receives income or certain types of income (e.g. in the areas of social assistance, basic support for job seekers or advance maintenance payments). Employers are obliged by law to certify to the competent authorities any necessary information on earnings.

Against this background, the harmonisation of earnings certificates in working group 2.18 ("Standardisation of certificates in payroll accounting") is the main focus of work of Technical Committee 2. This also includes the commentary on the Ordinance on the Certification of Earnings (Entgeltbescheinigungsverordnung - EBV), which is generated in PrGr 2.18.7.

The activities of AK 2.18 are closely linked to the implementation of the electronic exchange of (earnings) statement data between employers and the respective addressees. These topics are dealt with in working group 2.2 "Operational Implementation of Specialised Procedures in the Social Insurance Sector", working group 2.3 "Process Chain Income Tax" and working group 2.4 "Software Manufacturers of Employers and Health Insurance Funds".

The third focus of the expert committee is working group 2.1 "Standardisation of data transmission systems", since the operation and maintenance of an increasing number of divergent data exchange systems means increased expenditure for employers.

In addition to these special focal points, the expert committee is responsible for other current topics from the personnel management environment where practice sees a need for simplification, to which a flexible response can be made.

Contact persons

Volker Will
for administrative simplification
and de-bureaucratization in the
personnel management environment

Tel.: +49 6196 777 26-32
E-Mail: will(at)

Brigitte Hild
for administrative modernization
and digitization

Tel.: +49 6196 777 26-19
E-Mail: hild(at)

Julia Koziel
for administrative modernization
and digitization

Tel.: +49 6196 777 26-25
E-Mail: koziel(at)

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